2-Minute Sleep Tip: The Power of a Simple Bedtime Routine

To sleep well, there are two tricky transitions your teen has to learn to navigate: waking up and powering down.

The solution?

Help them leverage the power of routine.

A solid routine saves your tired teen from having to expend their limited energy to make 'good decisions' in the moment.


Print this plug-and-go template for a simple 3-step bedtime routine.

Using the worksheet

  1. Determine the start time for the routine and set an alarm for this time.
  2. Bedtime Routine Step #1 (SHIFT): Decide on an enjoyable activity to help ease away from alerting activities (ex. homework, video games).
  3. Bedtime Routine Step #2 (DEACTIVATE): Choose an activity that will help the body and mind relax.
  4. Bedtime Routine Step #3 (REWARD): Plant a treat at the end of the routine.
  5. Instead of figuring out a new plan every night, repeat the exact same routine for at least one week. Choose a reward for sticking with the routine for 7 days straight. Monitor progress with the daily tracker. With time and consistency, the routine will become a habit, giving the same result (i.e. being able to power down) for less energy.

FOR MORE: Take a listen to this episode on the power of routine and how to set up a bedtime routine.

Happy New Year!

P.S. This worksheet is from an insomnia program for teens and young adults that I'm in the midst of developing and will be piloting soon. More info on this to come!

Want to read past 2-minute tips? You can find them all here.

NOTE: The content and all linked materials in this newsletter provide general information about sleep and insomnia and are not intended to replace medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. The provided content should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or management. Please direct questions or concerns to your physician and/or qualified health care provider.

DECODE Insomnia

2-minute sleep tips for parents of tired, sleepless teens

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