DECODE Teen Sleep Newsletter: Meet the Eight

So far, I've been trying to share 2-minute tips only because I know you’re busy and likely have information overload. But I recently read this blogpost by one of my favourite thinkers and leaders. His message stuck and I've realized I may be doing you a disservice by trying to boil down a complex topic (teen sleep) to 2-minute tips only.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to experiment with a slightly longer newsletter format. Feedback, questions, or suggestions for future newsletters are greatly appreciated.

Last year, I created a 13-episode podcast series for teens with insomnia called Find the Eight. The idea was that I wanted to offer something that a tired, distracted teen could realistically digest and act on (forgetting that 10 minutes is way longer than your average TikTok…).

I named the series ‘Find the Eight’ because, after putting together an action plan with a teen, I like to ask the following question:

"How doable is this plan out of ten?"

I tell them to find the eight.

A nine or ten is too easy and they aren’t stretched.

A seven or below is too hard, setting them up for frustration, overwhelm, inconsistent action and, if they don’t succeed with the plan, the belief that change isn’t possible for them.

Aiming for a consistent string of eights is the fastest way to see progress when getting sleep on track—and when making any change, really.


As a parent, the challenge is to meet the eight.

Take two minutes to brainstorm ideas.

Instead of a full workout, could you help them get moving for 5 minutes a day? 2 minutes a day?

Instead of pushing for a 9am wake-up time on weekends, could you help them find a way to wake up 30 minutes earlier than their current weekend wake-up time?

Instead of expecting them to stay out of their bed, could you help them create another comfortable space where they will realistically want to hangout?

All The Best,

Want to read past newsletters? You can find them all here.

NOTE: The content and all linked materials in this newsletter provide general information about sleep and insomnia and are not intended to replace medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. The provided content should not be relied upon for medical diagnosis or management. Please direct questions or concerns to your physician and/or qualified health care provider.

DECODE Insomnia

2-minute sleep tips for parents of tired, sleepless teens

Read more from DECODE Insomnia

Last year, I took a podcasting workshop to learn how to put together an audio series for teen sleep. Though I had no intention of creating a traditional interview podcast, one of the assignments was to do a guest interview. So I recruited my friend and colleague Dr. Elyse Dubo, a youth psychiatrist and the mother of three daughters in their teens and early 20s. Her insights have stuck with me and have helped to shape the DECODE Insomnia Program, a new program for teens and their parents that...

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